St. David's Welcomes You
St. David’s Episcopal Church is committed to following Jesus’ example of practicing radical hospitality, seeking to find God in all people because they are of sacred worth. We welcome all persons, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic or marital status. All are invited as full participants in the life and ministries of our community of faith.
Loving God. Loving One Another.
Upcoming Events

Click here to access the Lenten Brochure
Service of Healing and Holy Eucharist
Sunday, March 30, 8:00 and 9:30
The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Our worship on March 30 will be similar in form to our regular Sunday worship but will also include special communal prayers for healing as well as an invitation for individuals to receive anointing with oil and prayers. We hope you'll join us.
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul."
Psalm 23:1-3a

You’re Invited to Community Night!
Join us on Wednesday March 26, for a special Community Night filled with good food, great company, and meaningful service!
We’ll kick off the evening with a potluck meal, so bring a dish to share. Then, we’ll come together to assemble 100 survival kit bags for our unhoused neighbors. Each participant will have the opportunity to take a few bags to keep in their car, ready to offer to those in need.We'll end the evening with singing and simple evening prayer in the sanctuary.This is a simple yet impactful way to give back to our community while enjoying time together. We’d love for you to be part of it!

We gain greater knowledge about ourselves, our community and our faith by connecting with one another. There are many opportunities to connect at St. David's.
Weekly Worship:
Join us each Sunday at 8:00 AM or 9:30 AM for worship indoors.
If you can't be with us in person, the service is streamed live on Facebook or available later on YouTube. We can be together in the Spirit, even when we are apart.
Regular offerings:
We invite you to join a service of nighttime prayers, Compline, each evening via Zoom at 8:00 PM. Click here to read more about this service and access the Zoom link. An additional weekly offering we hold is Saturday morning prayer, held at 7:45 AM each Saturday morning. Click here to read more about this service.
Ministry Guide:
​Click here to learn more about the ministry and programming at St. David's.
A Prayer from Bishop Loya
O God, who embraced us with perfect love and made us your people when we were yet strangers to you: be present with all refugees, immigrants, and displaced people throughout the world; may they know the consolation of your presence, and the liberating power of your love. Then give us grace, we pray, to extend ever wider your embrace in a world of exclusion, until all your children are knit together as beloved family in the perfect love that is your very heart, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who was displaced among us, and who now lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. 

Click each event to add to your personal calendar and see more details.