St. David’s offers a variety of programs throughout the year.
Here is a sampling.
St. David’s strives to inspire and equip each person—from youngest to oldest—to follow Jesus into a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God, creation, and each other. Our goal is to provide a safe, open environment that supports exploration of questions, doubts, and fears—a place where you are warmly welcomed no matter where you are in your faith journey. Through prayer, building community, formation, and mission, we try to create space for all people to grow in their faith and engage in issues that are relevant today.
Sharing Life Together Deeply: Growing Where We are Planted
It was a privilege to hear members of our community share stories of their life and faith during our special 2022 Lenten Series. Please click on the name below to view a video recording of their story.
March 6: Steve Johnson
March 13: Craig Warren
March 20: Anna Brock
March 27: Gervaye Parent
April 3: Launa Tucker
Christianity 101 Series
If you missed our educational series which provided a sweeping overview of who we are as Christians and as Episcopalians and where it is we come from, you can view the recorded sessions by clicking on the highlighted name below:
Session 1: The Bible, with the Rev. Leonard Freeman
Session 2: Church History, with the Rev. Katherine Lewis
Session 3: The Episcopal Church, with the Rev. Leonard Freeman
Session 4: Prayer and Worship, Postponed
Bible Study
The St. David's bible study meets on Tuesdays via Zoom at 11:00, ending at noon with Noonday prayer.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 1842 7409
Passcode: Bible
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,83818427409# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,83818427409# US (New York)
Held in conjunction with indoor Sunday worship service, from 10:45-11:00. Watch the weekly update for information.
Book Club
Held the first Tuesday of even-numbered months (February, April, June, August, October, December) at 6:30 p.m. See the weekly news for information on the current book selection and meeting location.
Occasional and seasonal programs are held throughout the year, including Advent, Lent and other special topics and events. Details are provided in our weekly updates and included on the calendar.
Independent Reading
Looking for a suggestion for your next book? Check out our Recommended Reading List.