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St. David’s strives to inspire and equip each person—from youngest to oldest—to follow Jesus into a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God, creation, and each other. Our goal is to provide a safe, open environment that supports exploration of questions, doubts, and fears—a place where you are warmly welcomed no matter where you are in your faith journey. Through prayer, building community, formation, and mission, we try to create space for all people to grow in their faith and engage in issues that are relevant today.
Infant to 3 Years
A staffed nursery is available most Sundays in the program year during the 9:30 service and is a place of hospitality, safety, joy, curiosity and comfort for newborns and young ones.
Children's Ministry
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Children's Ministry is for all children age 3 - grade 5 and mainly takes place on Sunday mornings during the school year during, and after, the 9:30am service.
Early in the service, a young Crucifer leads children and leaders to a classroom for a half-hour lesson with our Children's Minister or Godly Play Minister. Children return to the nave in time to join their families for communion and dismissal.
Godly Play
Based on stories of our faith, our Godly Play program is rooted in the Montessori tradition of learning. It invites children to hear stories and then either create something or act out the story in their own way. Storytelling builds community by working together, each child using their experiences and creativity to share stories as a group.
Children's Time
Our new children's time classroom is a multi-purpose room for arts and crafts, games, and song time. Each Sunday is a new adventure, learning Bible basics, sharing our highs and lows of the week, and exploring what it means to be beloved community.
Ecumenical Youth Ministry Fellowship
This collaborative team includes youth groups from St. David's, Trinity Episcopal in Excelsior, Excelsior United Methodist, and Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. This group focuses on ecumenical connections, learning about different expressions of being the church in the world, and working together toward a common purpose and call.
We have an exciting line up of events!
November 1-2 - Lock-in
January 20 - MLK Day Retreat
March 12 - Prayer Stations
June 4 - Pride Party
Youth Leadership Team
Love in Fellowship and Truth
This is our youth group for grades 6-12 with our friends at Trinity Episcopal Church in Excelsior and the location rotates between the two churches. LIFT meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, and we always start with dinner together. This group's focus is on Peer Ministry and building beloved community.
Summer Camp
ECMN Youth Camp - June 23-27
For rising 6th-12th graders
Youth Camp is a traditional teen sleepaway camp, which will this year be held at Green Lake Bible Camp, at their Shores of St. Andrew’s location. Join for fun, play, discipleship, and prayer as young people learn, grow, and experience God’s love in an outdoor ministry setting.
In the Episcopal Church, confirmation is “the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength through prayer and the laying on of hands by the bishop.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 860)
B4 Confirmation Class Topics:
The Christian Story
Worship and Sacraments
Social Issues
Our Local Ministry
Confirmation is a go at your own pace program for young people, 9th grade and above, who are interested in publicly re-affirming their baptismal vows. Each student is paired with a trained mentor to guide the student throughout the confirmation process as they complete specified tasks and responsibilities. Confirmation requires students to explore service to community, congregational involvement, and faith formation. Our team of clergy and lay volunteers lead a class where we examine the basics of the Christian faith, making room for prayer, reflection, and questioning. Upon completing the Confirmation journey, students write a statement of faith and are publicly confirmed at a special service with the Bishop.